We make a living by what we get . . . We make a life by what we give.
We believe that when we look outside our own life and find ways to help others, both we and those we seek to help will benefit. We look for the most vulnerable in the belief that even with limited resources, we can make a difference for then. We look for situations where we can have a clear, demonstrable impact, where accountability and transparency are maximized. And we look for circumstances and situations that allow our team to work together, grow together, and in the process become the best people that we can be.
Our work begins in Kenya, and our first projects are focused on orphans and the orphanages where they live. Our core activity is to arrange visits where we and hour children go and spend a day at the orphanage, cooking special food, providing games, sharing music and dance, and having our children and the children of the orphanage get to know and enjoy each other. As we learn the needs of the orphanage, we maintain a relationship and try to address those needs in the best ways we can. We document everything we do and share with our supporters, so that they too can see and feel the impact of what they have done to help.